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Superborders Progeny Johnos


$uperborder$ is the brand name for Border Leicester Rams that are of high genetic merit in maternal traits such as fertility, milk yield and growth rate. Their official $uperborder yellow ear tags can easily identify $uperborder$ rams.

To qualify as a $uperborder a Border Leicester ram must be above average for the breed based on the BLX index (Border Leicester Cross Index). The 50th percentile (average) index value is calculated at the 15th of August LAMBPLAN run each year and used to determine $uperborder$ rams for that selling season. The 2022 cut off figure for the BLX index to be classed as a $uperborder ram was 115.67.

The Border Leicester Cross Index has been developed for production systems using Border Leicester sires crossed to Merino dams to produce first cross progeny. The index helps to promote high early growth and maternal ability, improve reproduction and maintain fleece weight. The index also recognised the importance of maintaining adult weight over time. 

Not all rams sold by $uperborder members are necessarily $uperborder quality, but are bred by committed, registered breeders striving for genetic gains. $uperborder rams must be structurally sound and of good breed type.




The $uperborder$ group is made up of a number of studs across 4 states who work together in meeting market requirements for objectively measured maternal genetics in the Australian Lamb Industry. At Cooinda we believe the best way to improve our stud management is to surround ourselves with experts in the field and being a part of the group ensures we receive advanced genetic, flock management and recording advice to help with faster genetic gain in our stud. 

For further information on $uperborder$ click here.

Cooinda Borders Lambplan
Cooinda Borders Superborders
Cooinda Borders National Johnes Program

© 2023 Cooinda Border Leicester's

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